Gants d'examen - Latex - Pré-poudrés - Boite de 100 - My Podologie // Destockage
    Gants d'examen - Latex - Pré-poudrés - Boite de 100 - My Podologie // Destockage
Gants d'examen - Latex - Pré-poudrés - Boite de 100 - My Podologie // Destockage
Gants d'examen - Latex - Pré-poudrés - Boite de 100 - My Podologie // Destockage
    Gants d'examen - Latex - Pré-poudrés - Boite de 100 - My Podologie // Destockage
Gants d'examen - Latex - Pré-poudrés - Boite de 100 - My Podologie // Destockage

Product information


Clearance condition: This product cannot be returned or exchanged.

Box of 100 ambidextrous pre-powdered latex examination gloves.

An essential standard in our latex range, with a smooth surface for excellent grip combined with excellent touch.

CE marking.


Complies with European standards: CE marking

Box of 100.

Length: 240mm.


Clearance condition: This product cannot be returned or exchanged.

Box of 100 ambidextrous pre-powdered latex examination gloves.

An essential standard in our latex range, with a smooth surface for excellent grip combined with excellent touch.

CE marking.


Complies with European standards: CE marking

Box of 100.

Length: 240mm.

Marque : Destockage  |  Référence : 497.002.02

Examination gloves - Latex - Pre-powdered - Box of 100 - My Podology // Clearance

In short
Regular price
138,00 Kč
Sale price
138,00 Kč
Regular price
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
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Référence My Podologie : Translation missing: en.products.product.sku:497.002.02
EAN : 1200805014613

Garantie : Non spécifiée
Caractéristiques : Non spécifiées
Mentions particulières : Photos non contractuelles

Examination gloves - Latex - Pre-powdered - Box of 100 - My Podology // Clearance

Regular price
138,00 Kč
Sale price
138,00 Kč
Regular price
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
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Référence My Podologie : Translation missing: en.products.product.sku:497.002.02
EAN : 1200805014613

Garantie : Non spécifiée
Caractéristiques : Non spécifiées
Mentions particulières : Photos non contractuelles

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