How to report an assault as a podiatrist

July 21, 2024
Comment signaler une agression en tant que pédicure-podologue
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Podiatrists, like all health professionals, may be confronted with situations of verbal or physical aggression. The National Order of Podiatrists (ONPP) offers a framework and resources to report these incidents and obtain the necessary support.

Types of aggression

Aggression can manifest itself in several forms:

  • Verbal aggression : Insults, threats, and degrading remarks.
  • Physical assault : Blows, injuries, or any other form of physical violence.
  • Psychological aggression : Moral harassment, intimidation, and other forms of psychological pressure.

Statistics on assaults

In France, every day, approximately 65 healthcare professionals are victims of physical or verbal aggression. A recent study revealed that 12% of chiropodists reported having suffered some form of aggression during their professional practice.


A poignant testimony from a general practitioner illustrates this problem well. Dr. Baris Cecen, based in Audincourt, was physically assaulted by a disgruntled patient in January 2024. This incident, the third since his installation in 2021, highlights the rise in tensions and increasing aggression towards healthcare professionals when patients' expectations are not met.

Support and accompaniment

The ONPP offers support to victims of assault, including legal advice and psychological support. Members can contact the Order for assistance and advice on the steps to follow. It is also recommended to file a complaint with the relevant authorities to ensure an adequate response to the incident.

Reporting procedure

In the event of an assault, it is essential to follow a specific procedure to report the incident:

  1. Building a case : Document the incident by detailing the circumstances, facts, witnesses, and any available evidence (photos, recordings).
  2. Declaration to the Order : Inform the ONPP via an online reporting form or by mail. This form must include the information previously documented.
  3. Filing a complaint : At the same time, it is recommended to file a complaint with the competent authorities (police or gendarmerie).

Example of a reporting letter

[First and last name]
[Zip code and city]
[Phone number]
[E-mail address]

National Council of the Order of Chiropodists-Podiatrists
100 bd Auguste Blanqui
75013 Paris


Subject: Report of an assault

Madam, Sir,

I, the undersigned, [First and last name], a qualified chiropodist-podiatrist since [date of obtaining diploma], currently practice at [place of practice].

I would like to bring to your attention an assault I suffered on [date of incident].

Here are the details of the incident: [Detailed description of the assault, circumstances, facts, witnesses, available evidence].

Attached you will find supporting documents (photos, videos, medical reports).

I thank you in advance for your attention to my request and remain at your disposal for any additional information.

Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my distinguished greetings.

[First and last name]

Legal text and references

  • Public Health Code : Regulates the rights and duties of health professionals.
  • Penal Code : Specifies the penalties for physical or verbal assault.

Preventive measures

To reduce the risk of attacks, several preventive measures can be put in place:

  • Conflict management training : Specific training to learn how to manage tense situations can be very useful.
  • Securing premises : Installation of security devices such as surveillance cameras, alert buttons, and the presence of security agents.
  • Clear communication with patients : Clearly informing patients about procedures and deadlines can help reduce frustrations and misunderstandings.

Podiatrists should be aware of their rights and the resources available to deal with assaults. Prompt and documented reporting to the ONPP is crucial to ensure the necessary protection and support.

For more information and to access the reporting form, visit the ONPP website here . You can also download the reporting form here .

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